What Guides Me

What guides me always is the opportunity to add value. If I cannot add value to your business, project, event or team no amount of money would be enough to retain me. However, if after thoroughly exploring your needs I believe that I can add value to your business, project, event or team you will never meet a more persistent sales person than me.

Adding value to every interaction is the only way that I can grow and the only way that I can enable growth for your business, project, event or team.

I am guided by my belief that if we are disciplined, focused, correctly planned and strategic in our approach and if our purpose is clear, anything is possible. I believe that what one man can do, any man can do and I can guarantee you that whatever your goals, objectives and desired outcomes are, those goals, objectives and desired outcomes have been achieved by somebody else someplace else before. If they can do it – so can you. Find your why and you will find your want.

My values of learning, energy, positivity, honesty, integrity, enjoyment, respect, trust, love, giving my all and passion guide me.

My purpose which is to be the very best version of me in every single endeavor and interaction I enjoy and to equip, motivate and inspire all those I serve to be the very best that they can be in all of their endeavors and interactions guides me.

I am guided by my faith.

Mostly I am guided by my desire to make the very most of every single second, of every single minute of every single hour of every single day that I am gifted.

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